Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paddle PoP~ + Mat Kool..

8/7/09 [Wednesday] *lazy to update*

today class from 8.30am-4pm.. At 10.30-11am break, woanshing, tzewei & i went to Bandar baru to buy some junk food.. each of us bought a different flavour of double decker cuz it's only RM0.99 per packet (it's cheap~~) haha we share share our food and amazingly we're full just by eating double decker.. So at the 1-2pm break we didnt want to follow the guys to lunch.. (actually thr's a guy tht i hate thr so im NOT going to go lunch with them anymore~ need to tahan for 6 more months!! T.T) Again we go bandar baru to eat ice-cream~ huhuu i n tze wei beli the Paddle pop pirate mia ice cream cuz it's so kiute~ =p
(lazy to rotate)

tze wei's skull ice-cream

my pirate ice-cream

Oo~! become so thin~

hahahax david beckham~!!

Free bonus pic- paddle pop lion & Mat Kool monkey drawn by Kreuze. LOL